The OKR Circle helps you and your team to learn and set goals with Objectives and Key Results!

Our mission: Pushing the Practice of OKR

Through open standards and specifications of the OKR framework, the OKR Circle enables outcome oriented working in organizations.

Training and Advice

Partner companies offer professional trainings and consulting to deepen your OKR knowledge and certify it if needed. The focus always lies on building the ability to apply OKR and build a solid knowledge base in your organisation.


The OKR Circle offers an ever-growing collection of resources covering a variety of topics - everything about objective and key results.


The OKR Circle offers a platform to meet other OKR enthusiasts and to benefit from each other's experiences.

About us

We support people who change the world of organizations so that organizations can change the world.

Isa Carbotta

Ramon Hofmann

Constantin Hilt

Urs Baumgartner

Marcel Eyer

Jonathan Abplanalp

Shannon Gelpi

Yan Wagner

Gwen Gubler

José Santos

About the OKR Circle

We are uncovering better ways of setting focus by doing it and helping others do it. Our endeavors and our activities are based on the OKR Manifesto.

We are pushing the practice of OKR through open standards and specifications of objective and key results. The OKR Circle is based on the Community which enables outcome oriented working in organizations by providing resources, exchange, software and last but not least education.

We have worked intensively with OKRs in recent years. Be it for the management of companies in which we were employed or also in the daily work in our own company. We have also intensively supported various companies in the introduction of objectives and key results.

We now want to bring our experience and know-how to the OKR Circle and make the creation and processing of OKRs - whether at the group, SME or startup - even easier and more tangible.

The OKR Manifesto

We believe that we can no longer borrow energy from our planet or from other people with lower labor cost. We need to find smarter and much more sustainable ways of doing our work. This is a collaborative approach through radical focus on things that really matter. We achieve this by following these principles and by helping others do it:

We are uncovering better ways of setting focus by doing it and helping others do it. Through this work we have come to value:

Outcome over Output

Team collaboration over silo thinking

Aspirational targets over committed targets

Leading indicators over lagging indicators

Bottom-up over top-down

That is, while there is value in the items on the right, we value the items on the left more. We are inspired by and follow the agile manifesto.

Outcome over Output 

An outcome is the change in the organization and changes in the behavior of your customers and stakeholders as a result of your doing.

There are three main reason to focus on outcome and not on output:

- Your definition of success is more meaningful.

- You're encouraged to learn.

- You have more flexibility.

Team collaboration over silo thinking

Team collaboration is the engine for added value in the organization. It is based on the basic elements of transparency, focus and responsibility.

There are three main reason to focus on team collaboration and not on silo thinking:

- You are more motivated.

- You have more joy.

- You create something new together.

Aspirational targets over committed targets

Aspirational targets offer the space to create value in the organization and are the driving force of "organic" organizational development.

There are three main reason to focus on aspirational targets and not on over committed targets:

- You achieve more.

- You grow with the challenge.

- You release more energy.

Leading indicators over lagging indicators

Leading indicators bring the organization into the future because they allow statements about the coming time.

There are three main reason to focus on leading indicators and not on lagging indicators::

- You are focused on the future.

- You enable proactivity.

- You predict changes.

Bottom-up over top-down

The bottom-up approach for goal setting connects people with the company.

There are three main reason to focus on bottom-up and not on top-down:

- You are more committed.

- You move more and faster.

- You use the power of organization.


Contact us. We are happy to answer your questions.

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